It is fast becoming a firm conviction of mine that leaders who have no personal mission statement can hardly preach the necessity of a corporate mission statement with any lasting effectiveness.
I write down a personal mission statement simply to emphasise my belief that pastors or ministers miss an essential point in leadership if they fail to practice what they preach to their staffs and congregations. Below is my personal mission statement:
I live to love God without reservations, regrets nor retreats
by trusting him without questioning
by obeying him without delay.
I live to love my wife as she needs to be loved
by serving her needs before my own
by being hers alone in body and mind
by being her friend at all times
by finding creative ways to say “I love you”.
I live to present my children to God complete in Christ
by spending time with them
by creating meaningful memories with them
by loving them unconditionally
by listening to them empathetically.
I live to serve the Church
by being a faithful steward of my gifts and resources
by interceding for her (the Church) needs
by faithfully expounding the Scriptures.
I live to leave no man the same for having known me
by discipling as many as possible as effective as possible
by working hard to empower others to be their best
by believing in others
by keeping my promises to others
by pursuing excellence in all things.
This is my Mission Statement, what then is yours?